No matter what you thought about the end of the HBO version of Game of Thrones, it’s worth considering George R.R. Ma ...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Eorum enim omnium multa praetermittentium, dum eligant aliquid, quod sequantur, quasi curta sententia; Dicet pro me ipsa virtus nec dubitabit isti vestro beato M. Huius ego nunc auctoritatem sequens idem faciam. Conferam tecum, quam cuique verso rem subicias; Itaque sensibus rationem adiunxit et ratione effecta sensus non reliquit. Atque ab his initiis profecti omnium virtutum et originem et progressionem persecuti sunt. Cum praesertim illa perdiscere ludus esset. Cur deinde Metrodori liberos commendas? Duo Reges: constructio interrete.
Quodsi vultum tibi, si incessum fingeres, quo gravior viderere, non esses tui similis; Haec bene dicuntur, nec ego repugno, sed inter sese ipsa pugnant. Quam nemo umquam voluptatem appellavit, appellat; An eum locum libenter invisit, ubi Demosthenes et Aeschines inter se decertare soliti sunt? Nosti, credo, illud: Nemo pius est, qui pietatem-; Aliter autem vobis placet. Id mihi magnum videtur. Longum est enim ad omnia respondere, quae a te dicta sunt. Nam Pyrrho, Aristo, Erillus iam diu abiecti.
Conferam avum tuum Drusum cum C. Conferam avum tuum Drusum cum C. Cum autem venissemus in Academiae non sine causa nobilitata spatia, solitudo erat ea, quam volueramus. Sed in rebus apertissimis nimium longi sumus. Atqui eorum nihil est eius generis, ut sit in fine atque extrerno bonorum. Effluit igitur voluptas corporis et prima quaeque avolat saepiusque relinquit causam paenitendi quam recordandi. Nam et complectitur verbis, quod vult, et dicit plane, quod intellegam; At modo dixeras nihil in istis rebus esse, quod interesset.
- Understand your preference and strengths.
Do you naturally lean towards being an Archite ...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Longum est enim ad omnia respondere, quae a te dicta sunt. Etiam inchoatum, ut, si iuste depositum reddere in recte factis sit, in officiis ponatur depositum reddere; Ratio enim nostra consentit, pugnat oratio. Neque enim disputari sine reprehensione nec cum iracundia aut pertinacia recte disputari potest. Nam quibus rebus efficiuntur voluptates, eae non sunt in potestate sapientis. Duo Reges: constructio interrete.
Nam memini etiam quae nolo, oblivisci non possum quae volo. Iam contemni non poteris. Neque enim civitas in seditione beata esse potest nec in discordia dominorum domus; Et nunc quidem quod eam tuetur, ut de vite potissimum loquar, est id extrinsecus; Sed non alienum est, quo facilius vis verbi intellegatur, rationem huius verbi faciendi Zenonis exponere.
Indicant pueri, in quibus ut in speculis natura cernitur. Atque his de rebus et splendida est eorum et illustris oratio. Partim cursu et peragratione laetantur, congregatione aliae coetum quodam modo civitatis imitantur; Non est igitur summum malum dolor. Murenam te accusante defenderem. Summum ením bonum exposuit vacuitatem doloris; Mihi enim satis est, ipsis non satis. Quia nec honesto quic quam honestius nec turpi turpius. Modo etiam paulum ad dexteram de via declinavi, ut ad Pericli sepulcrum accederem. Quam si explicavisset, non tam haesitaret. Si longus, levis dictata sunt. Collige omnia, quae soletis: Praesidium amicorum.
The main limitation of this model is when it is applied as a binary choice when in reality there is an interplay and overlap between the approaches. In addition, some might argue that even though some people appear to be Gardeners, they actually have an implicit sense of planning that is not being stated or so consciously surfaced.
George R.R. Martin as a Gardener.
Martin points out that he leans more towards being a gardener, and describes how he started writing Game of Thrones having imagined a scene of a family finding wolves. He had a broad idea of the setting but effectively had to define it as he wrote, only creating the map when he was quite far into the story.
This fascinating Twitter thread by academic Daniel Silvermint argues that the failure of the final season of Game of Thrones was because Martin was a Gardener, yet the show writers had to write the final season without his text and relied on an Architect approach to draw the story to a conclusion.
J.K. Rowling as an architect.
Rowling used what has become known as a ‘story grid’ to plot out her stories. The following is part of her outline for Order of the Phoenix.
This concept is from George R.R. Martin’s description of writing approaches which he outlines in this quote:
“I think there are two types of writers, the architects and the gardeners. The architects plan everything ahead of time, like an architect building a house. They know how many rooms are going to be in the house, what kind of roof they're going to have, where the wires are going to run, what kind of plumbing there's going to be. They have the whole thing designed and blueprinted out before they even nail the first board up. The gardeners dig a hole, drop in a seed and water it. They kind of know what seed it is, they know if planted a fantasy seed or mystery seed or whatever. But as the plant comes up and they water it, they don't know how many branches it's going to have, they find out as it grows. And I'm much more a gardener than an architect.”
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