How do you choose which products or features to ship and which should remain in your backlog? RICE Scores are one way of making a call.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nec vero hoc oratione solum, sed multo magis vita et factis et moribus comprobavit. Etsi ea quidem, quae adhuc dixisti, quamvis ad aetatem recte isto modo dicerentur. Hoc dictum in una re latissime patet, ut in omnibus factis re, non teste moveamur. Graecum enim hunc versum nostis omnes-: Suavis laborum est praeteritorum memoria. Quae iam oratio non a philosopho aliquo, sed a censore opprimenda est. Illis videtur, qui illud non dubitant bonum dicere -;Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Quis non odit sordidos, vanos, leves, futtiles? Ab hoc autem quaedam non melius quam veteres, quaedam omnino relicta. Mene ergo et Triarium dignos existimas, apud quos turpiter loquare? At ego quem huic anteponam non audeo dicere; Qui non moveatur et offensione turpitudinis et comprobatione honestatis?
Itaque nostrum est-quod nostrum dico, artis est-ad ea principia, quae accepimus. Et hunc idem dico, inquieta sed ad virtutes et ad vitia nihil interesse. Bestiarum vero nullum iudicium puto. Non modo carum sibi quemque, verum etiam vehementer carum esse? Quid ei reliquisti, nisi te, quoquo modo loqueretur, intellegere, quid diceret? Tubulum fuisse, qua illum, cuius is condemnatus est rogatione, P. At, si voluptas esset bonum, desideraret. Qua tu etiam inprudens utebare non numquam.
- Identify the product or feature under consideration.
This might be part of a backlog or from a bra ...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Ergo in gubernando nihil, in officio plurimum interest, quo in genere peccetur. In schola desinis. Et ais, si una littera commota sit, fore tota ut labet disciplina. De vacuitate doloris eadem sententia erit. Quid ergo attinet gloriose loqui, nisi constanter loquare?
Primum quid tu dicis breve? Stoici autem, quod finem bonorum in una virtute ponunt, similes sunt illorum; Quamvis enim depravatae non sint, pravae tamen esse possunt. Sed haec in pueris;
An est aliquid per se ipsum flagitiosum, etiamsi nulla comitetur infamia? Nonne videmus quanta perturbatio rerum omnium consequatur, quanta confusio? At ego quem huic anteponam non audeo dicere; Vives, inquit Aristo, magnifice atque praeclare, quod erit cumque visum ages, numquam angere, numquam cupies, numquam timebis.
The elements behind RICE are still subjective and potentially influenced by biases, though the ‘confidence’ factor is a positive inclusion in this respect.
The ‘effort’ factor does not consider different values of people hours so, for example, there is no distinction between 1 week of senior developer time which might cost twice as much as 1 week of a junior designer.
The RICE Score was first developed by Intercom as a way to develop product priorities and their original post included this link to a spreadsheet example to establish RICE scores.
RICE scores are typically used by product managers to help prioritise products and product features, similar to the impact effort matrix or kano.
Use the following examples of connected and complementary models to weave RICE score into your broader latticework of mental models. Alternatively, discover your own connections by exploring the category list above.
Connected models:
- Impact effort matrix and kano are alternative prioritisation methods.
- Pareto principle: in establishing the ‘20’ features to deliver the ‘80’ value.
Complementary models:
- Golden circle: to ensure that new products and features are aligned with a deeper direction.
- Lock-in effect: as a potential consideration in relation to impact.Agile methodology: an iterative approach that works well with this form of prioritisation.
- Personas: as a potential tool to explore and establish reach and impact.
- Zawinski’s law: a warning to prioritise and avoid product bloat.
- Agile methodology: an iterative approach typically requiring fast and ongoing prioritisation.
- Minimum viable product: as an approach to cut out unnecessary features in the first instance.
The RICE Scoring model was developed by Intercom and is outlined in some detail in their original post about it here.
1415 days ago Shai Desai , Co-founder of and Learning PlanI wasn’t familiar with this model but can immediately see its use in prioritising and making better decisions!
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