This model from Ancient Greece has helped define the art of persuasion for over 2,000 years and continues to serve as a guide for impactf ...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Conclusum est enim contra Cyrenaicos satis acute, nihil ad Epicurum. Hoc positum in Phaedro a Platone probavit Epicurus sensitque in omni disputatione id fieri oportere. Non est enim vitium in oratione solum, sed etiam in moribus. Aliena dixit in physicis nec ea ipsa, quae tibi probarentur; Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Utinam quidem dicerent alium alio beatiorem! Iam ruinas videres. Iubet igitur nos Pythius Apollo noscere nosmet ipsos.
Quamquam ab iis philosophiam et omnes ingenuas disciplinas habemus; Quae in controversiam veniunt, de iis, si placet, disseramus. Quamquam haec quidem praeposita recte et reiecta dicere licebit. An est aliquid per se ipsum flagitiosum, etiamsi nulla comitetur infamia? Ampulla enim sit necne sit, quis non iure optimo irrideatur, si laboret? Eorum enim est haec querela, qui sibi cari sunt seseque diligunt. Neque solum ea communia, verum etiam paria esse dixerunt. Ut nemo dubitet, eorum omnia officia quo spectare, quid sequi, quid fugere debeant? Tum Triarius: Posthac quidem, inquit, audacius.
Eadem fortitudinis ratio reperietur. Parvi enim primo ortu sic iacent, tamquam omnino sine animo sint. Et homini, qui ceteris animantibus plurimum praestat, praecipue a natura nihil datum esse dicemus?
Deeply understand your audience.
What are their current ...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nondum autem explanatum satis, erat, quid maxime natura vellet. Atqui reperies, inquit, in hoc quidem pertinacem; Nam illud vehementer repugnat, eundem beatum esse et multis malis oppressum. Nummus in Croesi divitiis obscuratur, pars est tamen divitiarum. Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Quid enim de amicitia statueris utilitatis causa expetenda vides.
Certe nihil nisi quod possit ipsum propter se iure laudari. Itaque haec cum illis est dissensio, cum Peripateticis nulla sane. Proclivi currit oratio. Si verbum sequimur, primum longius verbum praepositum quam bonum.
Non igitur potestis voluptate omnia dirigentes aut tueri aut retinere virtutem. Quis hoc dicit?
Plato, Aristotle’s teacher, was critical of persuasion techniques, seemingly to rally against the form and emotional element winning arguments over a logical case as an example of manipulation. Aristotle did counter this, suggesting that the art of persuasion was a necessary but neutral tool and that it should be used ethically.
Other criticism of the model tends to be in its application, as it sets a broad framework but potentially lacks more practical application. In other words, while a useful guide, the model still takes considerable skill to apply effectively and consistently.
Legal application.
This 2014 research paper describes how Aristotle’s Rhetorical Triangle is a crucial tool in the courtroom. The author explains:
“Logos, ethos, and pathos, a persuader’s logical, credibility-related, and emotional appeals, when used in concert, create a whole argument. This argument is one which takes into account the human element as well as the rational and logical needs of the law in its pursuit of justice. Classical Aristotelian rhetoric, thus, must not be dismissed by the advocate hoping to most effectively represent his client. Nor should it be dismissed by the legal community as form over substance.As I have demonstrated, the end result of an attorney utilizing Aristotle’s three modes together is the fairest result possible in a given situation, so substance is not sacrificed, and effective form is still maintained.”
“I have a dream.”
I could have chosen an analysis of any modern speech based on Aristotle’s Rhetorical Triangle, I went with Martin Luthor King’s classic.
This article breaks it down, including noting the following:
By way of establishing his intentions, “In his speech, King frequently looks back at moments in American history and refers to the leaders who laid the foundation of free America.”
Given the moment of anger and frustration he was speaking in, there’s no wonder that Pathos was a main ingredient. “His speech keeps growing more dramatic and engaging. King tries to make the frustration visible that years of neglect have caused.”
King paints the future state, the ‘dream’, and lays out a path to achieve it, heavily referencing American history.
Aristotle’s Rhetoric was set out in his book On Rhetoric: A Theory of Civil Discourse. I say 'book' because it has been published as such but, like his other works, seems to have been a collection of his student’s notes in response to his lectures. His body of work on persuasion did progress and shift over his life, though these three appeals remained consistent.
Other modern sources to dive into this model include the work of Carmine Gallo, see his HBR article on the topic; and Sam Leith’s Words Like Loaded Pistols. For a more in-depth albeit slightly academic view of this model, you can also visit the entry in Stanford’s Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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