In his seminal marketing book Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, Dr Robert Cialdini laid out principles to hel ...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Hic nihil fuit, quod quaereremus. Erat enim res aperta. Isto modo, ne si avia quidem eius nata non esset.
Atque haec ita iustitiae propria sunt, ut sint virtutum reliquarum communia. Nam diligi et carum esse iucundum est propterea, quia tutiorem vitam et voluptatem pleniorem efficit. Facit igitur Lucius noster prudenter, qui audire de summo bono potissimum velit; Et certamen honestum et disputatio splendida! omnis est enim de virtutis dignitate contentio. Tu vero, inquam, ducas licet, si sequetur;
Plane idem, inquit, et maxima quidem, qua fieri nulla maior potest. Verum hoc loco sumo verbis his eandem certe vim voluptatis Epicurum nosse quam ceteros. Duo Reges: constructio interrete.
- Offer ‘freemium’ options to people’s problems (reciprocity).
Offering free servi ...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quis Pullum Numitorium Fregellanum, proditorem, quamquam rei publicae nostrae profuit, non odit? Atqui, inquit, si Stoicis concedis ut virtus sola, si adsit vitam efficiat beatam, concedis etiam Peripateticis. Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Cum autem in quo sapienter dicimus, id a primo rectissime dicitur. Philosophi autem in suis lectulis plerumque moriuntur. Bork Tamen aberramus a proposito, et, ne longius, prorsus, inquam, Piso, si ista mala sunt, placet. Minime vero istorum quidem, inquit. Quod autem satis est, eo quicquid accessit, nimium est; Bonum integritas corporis: misera debilitas.
Atqui iste locus est, Piso, tibi etiam atque etiam confirmandus, inquam; Itaque primos congressus copulationesque et consuetudinum instituendarum voluntates fieri propter voluptatem; Neque enim civitas in seditione beata esse potest nec in discordia dominorum domus; Ergo illi intellegunt quid Epicurus dicat, ego non intellego? Quodcumque in mentem incideret, et quodcumque tamquam occurreret.
Quo invento omnis ab eo quasi capite de summo bono et malo disputatio ducitur. Nam, ut sint illa vendibiliora, haec uberiora certe sunt. Nihil enim iam habes, quod ad corpus referas; Theophrastus mediocriterne delectat, cum tractat locos ab Aristotele ante tractatos? Deinde disputat, quod cuiusque generis animantium statui deceat extremum. Bork Theophrastus mediocriterne delectat, cum tractat locos ab Aristotele ante tractatos? Huius ego nunc auctoritatem sequens idem faciam.
These principles could easily lead people into pitfalls if used for evil instead of goodness. It might encourage predatory behavior, indebting people through favours and using manipulation techniques. Cialdini
Reciprocity: free mints to increase tips
One study seemed to show the impact of reciprocity, with a slight increase in tips as a result of diners receiving free mints at the conclusion of their dinners.
Commitment: Writing down the appointment
One study showed that missed appointments at health centres were reduced by 18% when patients wrote down the appointment rather than staff.
Liking: closing the deal
According to Cialdini, in a study on negotiations of MBA students, one group was told to focus on getting the deal done, the other group was told to identify something in common before they began. The first group came to an agreement 55% of the time, the second group came to an agreement 90% of the time.
Consensus: nudging tax payments
The Behavioural Insights Team in the UK, or original Nudge Unit, discovered that by tweaking the wording of letters to taxpayers to reference the fact that most people in their town paid tax on time, resulted in a 15% increase in timely tax payments.
These principles are often used in sales and marketing and tend to play on common unconscious biases. They have been further explored by cognitive psychologists exploring behavioural economics. That said, they can be used in developing relationships and influence.
Use the following examples of connected and complementary models to weave Cialdini’s six principles of influence into your broader latticework of mental models. Alternatively, discover your own connections by exploring the category list above.
Connected models:
- Fast and slow thinking: which underpins many of these approaches.
- Social proof: as it relates to liking and even authority.
- Supply and demand: as it relates to scarcity.
Complementary models:
- 4Ps of marketing: considering the combination of these methods with the 4Ps.
- Hanlon’s razor: to support the development of effective relationships.
- Non-violent communication: to help uncover needs and connect.
Find out more from Dr Robert Cialdini’s book ‘Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion’ and his broader services at his website Influence at work.
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Huge thanks for picking up the typo Amin - all fixed now :)