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Think Differently to Navigate Covid
Think Differently to Navigate Covid
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You, your children, and everyone alive right now will be telling future generations about the time the world was transformed by Covid. 

Sure, the world was being disrupted before — cast your mind back to what seems like an eon ago, and remember that digital and technological change was transforming our lives even then. But what were growing trends back then have become necessities in our socially distanced, digitally connected world today. 

So how can we better understand, navigate, and cope with the changes that Covid is causing? We don't have all the answers, but this new Playbook is bound to help.  

This Playbook includes the following sections, select a heading to jump to that section.
How to understand what's happening and what might happen next.
Butterfly Effect & Chaos Theory

Along the same lines, it will likely be sometime if ever when we understand the source of Covid, but its spread and impact can be better understood with the Butterfly Effect.
Black Swan Event
There is some debate about whether this current crisis is a Black Swan event or not. No matter what your view, you'd have to agree that it has severely tested our preconceived ideas and systems alike.
From cognitive biases to communicating with Covid or vax-deniers, these models might help.
Confirmation Heuristic
Be wary of your and other people's tendency to find supporting evidence for existing beliefs rather than seeking out facts and challenging views. Click into the model for tips to interupt this bias, but start by habitually asking 'what would I see if I was wrong?'
How do you separate the information from the noise? Use these models.
The Scientific Method
As you challenge your Confirmation Bias and apply the CRAAP Test, also be sure to use the Scientific Method to better understand health recommendations and the growing scientific understanding of how we should respond.
Compounding (Snowball Effect)
Unfortunately, the spread of a virus is exponential — so this model had to be included.
There is so much misinformation out there, be sure to apply a CRAAP Test to help you filter and surface reliable sources.
Use this model to better understand the 'limbic' and emotional response in yourself and others, particuarly for those that are developing conspiracy theories and fear-driven views.
Loss Aversion

Another one to help understand the people who are struggling with safety iniatives — develop greater empathy for them by appreciating their focus on what is being lost rather than the risks or what might be gained.
In all the talk of embracing the 'new normal' after our broken world, it's hard to look beyond the powerful metaphor presented by Kintsugi. Click the model for more.
Stockdale Paradox
Use this model, inspired by James Stockdale's horrific time in a prisoner of war camp, to help persist and survive through this period of uncertainty.
Things will continue to change fast, here's how to navigate the transformation.
Stability Zones
When things are changing at speed, when we are faced with daily uncertainty, it's more important than ever to find what Alvin Toffler called your Stability Zone.
Dunbar's Number
Rather than talking about 'socially distancing', think of it as physically distancing. This model is a reminder to build your relationships and the importance of remaining social, even in the virtual world. Click into the model for tips on developing friendships which are more important now than ever.
EAST Framework
Rather than relying on convincing people to change and protect themselves, also consider making it easy for them with Nudges. There have been mixed responses with Nudges throughout the pandemic, so it might take some experimentation.
Peltzman Effect

Even as we begin to implement important measures from mask mandates to vaccine rollouts, be sure to remember this model to interrupt a common bias and help maximise the safety initiatives' impact.
Swiss Cheese Model

A classic risk model that has been repurposed to clearly communicate a Covid defensive response. And it references cheese, what's not to like?
Probabilistic Thinking
Certainty is absent from today's considerations. And in uncertain times you'll want to practice Probabilistic Thinking.
Creative Destruction

And a final classic to remind us that new things will be born from the old through cycles of Creative Destruction. So, even if you 'return to the office', be sure not to 'return to normal'. Use this period to reinvent your approach and the way you do anything and everything.

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