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T-Shaped People
T-Shaped People
T-Shaped People
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The days of siloed experts are gone. Today, more than ever, our complex world requires increased collaboration in cross-disciplinary teams to& ...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sit ista in Graecorum levitate perversitas, qui maledictis insectantur eos, a quibus de veritate dissentiunt. Sed nonne merninisti licere mihi ista probare, quae sunt a te dicta? Scio enim esse quosdam, qui quavis lingua philosophari possint; Num quid tale Democritus? Quarum cum una sit, qua mores conformari putantur, differo eam partem, quae quasi stirps ets huius quaestionis. Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Nihil illinc huc pervenit. At Zeno eum non beatum modo, sed etiam divitem dicere ausus est. Poterat autem inpune; Ita enim vivunt quidam, ut eorum vita refellatur oratio.

Quae hic rei publicae vulnera inponebat, eadem ille sanabat. Ut nemo dubitet, eorum omnia officia quo spectare, quid sequi, quid fugere debeant? Nam quibus rebus efficiuntur voluptates, eae non sunt in potestate sapientis. Fortemne possumus dicere eundem illum Torquatum? Haec dicuntur fortasse ieiunius; Is ita vivebat, ut nulla tam exquisita posset inveniri voluptas, qua non abundaret. Quis enim est, qui non videat haec esse in natura rerum tria? Quid ait Aristoteles reliquique Platonis alumni?

Zenonis est, inquam, hoc Stoici. Quamquam non negatis nos intellegere quid sit voluptas, sed quid ille dicat. Sed quid minus probandum quam esse aliquem beatum nec satis beatum? Causa autem fuit huc veniendi ut quosdam hinc libros promerem. Rapior illuc, revocat autem Antiochus, nec est praeterea, quem audiamus. Omnis enim est natura diligens sui. Cur igitur, inquam, res tam dissimiles eodem nomine appellas? Atque ab his initiis profecti omnium virtutum et originem et progressionem persecuti sunt. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Istam voluptatem perpetuam quis potest praestare sapienti? Non enim iam stirpis bonum quaeret, sed animalis.

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Actionable Takeaways
  • Go deep with your expertise in chosen areas. 

Go deep and develop expertise in your chosen field, c ...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mihi, inquam, qui te id ipsum rogavi? Non enim ipsa genuit hominem, sed accepit a natura inchoatum. Huius ego nunc auctoritatem sequens idem faciam. Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Quid autem habent admirationis, cum prope accesseris? Iam id ipsum absurdum, maximum malum neglegi. In his igitur partibus duabus nihil erat, quod Zeno commutare gestiret. Bork

Idem etiam dolorem saepe perpetiuntur, ne, si id non faciant, incidant in maiorem. Nam ista vestra: Si gravis, brevis; Utrum igitur tibi non placet, inquit, virtutisne tantam esse vim, ut ad beate vivendum se ipsa contenta sit? Id enim volumus, id contendimus, ut officii fructus sit ipsum officium. Sic enim censent, oportunitatis esse beate vivere. Negare non possum.

An me, inquis, tam amentem putas, ut apud imperitos isto modo loquar? Tum Piso: Quoniam igitur aliquid omnes, quid Lucius noster?


There have been several models that have built on the T-shaped metaphor. A Pi or ‘M’ shaped person, with two verticals or three verticals, describes the need to have more than one area of expertise. Similarly the V-shaped person with the beginnings of deeper, broader expertise. ‘X’ shaped people have also been suggested as a leadership model. 

In Practice

McKinsey recruitment. 

McKinsey coined this term as the ‘T-shaped man’ (sic) as a framework for their recruitment during the 1980s. 

IDEO and T-Shaped People

IDEO CEO Tim Brown has long advocated for T-shaped people and described how recruiting such people has driven innovation and complex problem-solving at IDEO. 

Atlassian battle against ‘brilliant jerks’.

Atlassian has publicly argued against brilliant jerks who might be great at what they do but pay no attention to collaborating with, developing, or supporting those around them. So much so, they’ve enshrined into their performance management system.

Build your latticework
This model will help you to:

T-shaped people is a useful mental model for development or recruitment and aligns well with Munger’s latticework and the purpose of ModelThinkers. 

Use the following examples of connected and complementary models to weave T-shaped people into your broader latticework of mental models. Alternatively, discover your own connections by exploring the category list above. 

Connected models: 

  • Munger’s Latticework: as Charles Munger said, “use the big ideas from the big disciplines’.
  • Idea sex: to develop greater innovation. 

Complementary models: 

  • Lean startup: when thinking about the ‘who’ is involved. 
  • Deliberate practice: in terms of developing soft skills or any expertise. 
  • Cialdini’s 6 Principles of persuasion: as a cue for potential soft skill development. 
  • Scrum: T-shaped people are crucial in cross-disciplinary teams. 
Origins & Resources

McKinsey originally used the term ‘T-shaped man’ (sic) as a guide for internal recruitment in the 1980s and the term became further popularised by IDEO in the 90s. It has since become a popular model in agile software development. 

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