So you suck at delayed gratification? Can’t consistently invest your savings for the big pay off for when you retire? Or perhaps you’re ...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed quanta sit alias, nunc tantum possitne esse tanta. Potius inflammat, ut coercendi magis quam dedocendi esse videantur. Experiamur igitur, inquit, etsi habet haec Stoicorum ratio difficilius quiddam et obscurius. Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Idemne, quod iucunde? Et quod est munus, quod opus sapientiae? Tuo vero id quidem, inquam, arbitratu.
Ita multo sanguine profuso in laetitia et in victoria est mortuus. Re mihi non aeque satisfacit, et quidem locis pluribus. Utram tandem linguam nescio? Inde sermone vario sex illa a Dipylo stadia confecimus. Uterque enim summo bono fruitur, id est voluptate. Nec enim, omnes avaritias si aeque avaritias esse dixerimus, sequetur ut etiam aequas esse dicamus.
Quippe: habes enim a rhetoribus; Sed erat aequius Triarium aliquid de dissensione nostra iudicare. Nunc haec primum fortasse audientis servire debemus. Nam si amitti vita beata potest, beata esse non potest. At ille pellit, qui permulcet sensum voluptate. Neminem videbis ita laudatum, ut artifex callidus comparandarum voluptatum diceretur. Quid est, quod ab ea absolvi et perfici debeat? Ad corpus diceres pertinere-, sed ea, quae dixi, ad corpusne refers?
- For decisions, use slow thinking to interrupt your bias.
Organise processes or teams to interrupt ...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Hoc est dicere: Non reprehenderem asotos, si non essent asoti. Optime, inquam. Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Quid, quod homines infima fortuna, nulla spe rerum gerendarum, opifices denique delectantur historia? Quod iam a me expectare noli. Cur fortior sit, si illud, quod tute concedis, asperum et vix ferendum putabit? Quos quidem tibi studiose et diligenter tractandos magnopere censeo. Quid autem habent admirationis, cum prope accesseris? Res tota, Torquate, non doctorum hominum, velle post mortem epulis celebrari memoriam sui nominis. Graecis hoc modicum est: Leonidas, Epaminondas, tres aliqui aut quattuor;
Atqui pugnantibus et contrariis studiis consiliisque semper utens nihil quieti videre, nihil tranquilli potest. An eiusdem modi? Hoc loco discipulos quaerere videtur, ut, qui asoti esse velint, philosophi ante fiant. Alterum significari idem, ut si diceretur, officia media omnia aut pleraque servantem vivere. Immo alio genere; At enim, qua in vita est aliquid mali, ea beata esse non potest.
Quid ergo aliud intellegetur nisi uti ne quae pars naturae neglegatur? Ille vero, si insipiens-quo certe, quoniam tyrannus -, numquam beatus; Quem Tiberina descensio festo illo die tanto gaudio affecit, quanto L. Quid est enim aliud esse versutum? Habent enim et bene longam et satis litigiosam disputationem. Esse enim quam vellet iniquus iustus poterat inpune. Qui potest igitur habitare in beata vita summi mali metus? Paupertas si malum est, mendicus beatus esse nemo potest, quamvis sit sapiens. Itaque contra est, ac dicitis;
Some criticise the evidence behind Hyperbolic Discounting as, similar to so many behavioural science research, largely relying on university students as they are a cheap and available group of test subjects. Such critics argue that more experienced and older people consider longer views and criteria for their decision making, though this has not been proven through research yet.
Other criticisms do not undermine the observed behaviour behind Hyperbolic Discounting — of people choosing instant gratification — rather the reasoning behind it. So, for example, some point to the role of cravings, arousal and emotions in people seeking immediate rewards — though again, in my view this is relatively academic as the end result remains the same.
$100 versus $120.
Hyperbolic discounting is perhaps best known for the $100 versus $120 experiment. Participants in this experiment were offered a choice between receiving $100 today versus $120 in a week. Most people would choose the $100 immediately. Then they were offered the choice between $100 in a year versus $120 in a year and a week. From a rational perspective, these questions are identical — yet when adding the ‘year’, most people chose to take the $120 option.
Climate change.
This one’s a bit opinionated perhaps, but is it really? It is now pretty clear that climate change is a massive threat to humanity — there, I said it. Yet humans are reticent to act. Compare that to how most governments invested in dealing with the threat of covid when it was having clear immediate impacts. The immediate threat gets the attention, the distant one can be all too easily ignored.
Hyperbolic discounting is a core model in behavioural economics and has countless implications.
Use the following examples of connected and complementary models to weave hyperbolic discounting into your broader latticework of mental models. Alternatively, discover your own connections by exploring the category list above.
Connected models:
- Fast and slow thinking: the model that explains the broader backdrop of heuristics and behavioural economics.
- Loss aversion: another fundamental and intrinsically linked model
Complementary models:
- Habit loop: particularly B.J. Foggs idea of ‘tiny habits’ or immediate rewards.
- Systems versus goals: in establishing the routine over relying on a distant goal.
- Divide and conquer: in respect to breaking down large projects.
- Cialdini’s six principles of persuasion: particularly in terms of freemium and quick value in relation to reciprocity.
Hyperbolic discounting was built on the work of Richard Hernstein who developed a ‘matching law’ before coining the term ‘hyperbolic discounting’ in a 1961 paper.
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