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Goal Gradient Effect
Goal Gradient Effect
Goal Gradient Effect
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Are you struggling to motivate yourself or others to reach goals? 

The G ...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Conferam tecum, quam cuique verso rem subicias; Etenim semper illud extra est, quod arte comprehenditur. Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Utrum igitur percurri omnem Epicuri disciplinam placet an de una voluptate quaeri, de qua omne certamen est?

Quantum Aristoxeni ingenium consumptum videmus in musicis? Modo etiam paulum ad dexteram de via declinavi, ut ad Pericli sepulcrum accederem. Cur igitur, inquam, res tam dissimiles eodem nomine appellas? Qua tu etiam inprudens utebare non numquam. Refert tamen, quo modo. Sed erat aequius Triarium aliquid de dissensione nostra iudicare. An est aliquid, quod te sua sponte delectet? Non potes, nisi retexueris illa.

Tamen aberramus a proposito, et, ne longius, prorsus, inquam, Piso, si ista mala sunt, placet. Varietates autem iniurasque fortunae facile veteres philosophorum praeceptis instituta vita superabat. Cur tantas regiones barbarorum pedibus obiit, tot maria transmisit? Duo enim genera quae erant, fecit tria. Universa enim illorum ratione cum tota vestra confligendum puto. Quod totum contra est. Levatio igitur vitiorum magna fit in iis, qui habent ad virtutem progressionis aliquantum. Quid ei reliquisti, nisi te, quoquo modo loqueretur, intellegere, quid diceret?

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Actionable Takeaways
  • Show progress towards a goal. 

Provide your audience with a visual representati ...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Si longus, levis. Atque ab his initiis profecti omnium virtutum et originem et progressionem persecuti sunt. Quis enim redargueret? Traditur, inquit, ab Epicuro ratio neglegendi doloris. Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Non igitur potestis voluptate omnia dirigentes aut tueri aut retinere virtutem. Sed fac ista esse non inportuna; Ergo in gubernando nihil, in officio plurimum interest, quo in genere peccetur. Nam illud vehementer repugnat, eundem beatum esse et multis malis oppressum. Obsecro, inquit, Torquate, haec dicit Epicurus?

Maximas vero virtutes iacere omnis necesse est voluptate dominante. An vero displicuit ea, quae tributa est animi virtutibus tanta praestantia? Nec vero alia sunt quaerenda contra Carneadeam illam sententiam. Quod quidem nobis non saepe contingit. Indicant pueri, in quibus ut in speculis natura cernitur. Neque enim disputari sine reprehensione nec cum iracundia aut pertinacia recte disputari potest. Refert tamen, quo modo. Plane idem, inquit, et maxima quidem, qua fieri nulla maior potest. Hanc ergo intuens debet institutum illud quasi signum absolvere.

At ille pellit, qui permulcet sensum voluptate. Conferam tecum, quam cuique verso rem subicias; Philosophi autem in suis lectulis plerumque moriuntur. Quis non odit sordidos, vanos, leves, futtiles? Haec para/doca illi, nos admirabilia dicamus.


A variation on the Goal Gradient Effect was posed by marketing academic and researcher Andrea Bonezzi, who argued that “motivation to engage in goal-consistent behavior can be higher when people are either far from or close to the end state and lower when they are about halfway to the end state.”  Thus rather than focusing on the end aspect of the journey, Bonezzi describes a ‘U-shaped’ model of motivation, with the problematic middle between starting point and end goal. 

In Practice

Contributing to charities. 

This study entitled Goal Gradient in Helping Behavior, found that “People are more likely to pitch in as charitable campaigns approach their goals. Such “goal gradient helping” occurs in part because late-stage efforts provide donors with a heightened sense of personal impact, an influential source of satisfaction from prosocial acts.” 

Car wash loyalty. 

This 2006 study, similar to the cited coffee loyalty card example in the summary above, used loyalty cards for a car wash. In this case, one card had 8 spots to fill for a free car wash, the other had 10 with two already stamped. The group given the perceived head start resulted in a 34% engagement rate in the loyalty program compared to 19% for the others.

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Origins & Resources

The Goal Gradient Effect was first identified by Clark Hull during the 1930s in relation to animals, particularly his study of rats accelerating their pace closer to the end of a maze and a food reward. Hull, an engineer by background, went on to break down his observations and interpret them as a mathematical formula which he outlined in his book Principles of Behaviour.  

The effect was expanded to humans in a 2006 study by Ran Kivetz et al. The authors of that study explained: “The key findings indicate that (1) participants in a real café reward program purchase coffee more frequently the closer they are to earning a free coffee; (2) Internet users who rate songs in return for reward certificates visit the rating Web site more often, rate more songs per visit, and persist longer in the rating effort as they approach the reward goal; (3) the illusion of progress toward the goal induces purchase acceleration (e.g., customers who receive a 12-stamp coffee card with 2 preexisting “bonus” stamps complete the 10 required purchases faster than customers who receive a “regular” 10-stamp card); and (4) a stronger tendency to accelerate toward the goal predicts greater retention and faster reengagement in the program.”

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