What potential major life change simultaneously tempts and terrifies you? Got a startup idea you've been too scared to pursue? Want to cha ...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Si quidem, inquit, tollerem, sed relinquo. Itaque hic ipse iam pridem est reiectus; Quid enim ab antiquis ex eo genere, quod ad disserendum valet, praetermissum est? Tum ego: Non mehercule, inquam, soleo temere contra Stoicos, non quo illis admodum assentiar, sed pudore impedior; Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Saepe ab Aristotele, a Theophrasto mirabiliter est laudata per se ipsa rerum scientia; Omnium enim rerum principia parva sunt, sed suis progressionibus usa augentur nec sine causa; Etsi qui potest intellegi aut cogitari esse aliquod animal, quod se oderit? Honesta oratio, Socratica, Platonis etiam.
Quid igitur dubitamus in tota eius natura quaerere quid sit effectum? Omnes enim iucundum motum, quo sensus hilaretur. Plane idem, inquit, et maxima quidem, qua fieri nulla maior potest. Quae cum essent dicta, discessimus. Hoc enim constituto in philosophia constituta sunt omnia.
Nihil enim iam habes, quod ad corpus referas; Consequatur summas voluptates non modo parvo, sed per me nihilo, si potest; Ex ea difficultate illae fallaciloquae, ut ait Accius, malitiae natae sunt. Levatio igitur vitiorum magna fit in iis, qui habent ad virtutem progressionis aliquantum. Habent enim et bene longam et satis litigiosam disputationem.
- Use the Regret Minimisation Framework to challenge fears and doubts
This mental model helps you ...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Gloriosa ostentatio in constituendo summo bono. Dempta enim aeternitate nihilo beatior Iuppiter quam Epicurus; Isto modo ne improbos quidem, si essent boni viri. An est aliquid, quod te sua sponte delectet? Duo Reges: constructio interrete.
Inquit, an parum disserui non verbis Stoicos a Peripateticis, sed universa re et tota sententia dissidere? Totum autem id externum est, et quod externum, id in casu est. At iam decimum annum in spelunca iacet. Quia nec honesto quic quam honestius nec turpi turpius. Progredientibus autem aetatibus sensim tardeve potius quasi nosmet ipsos cognoscimus. Voluptatem cum summum bonum diceret, primum in eo ipso parum vidit, deinde hoc quoque alienum; Quamquam ab iis philosophiam et omnes ingenuas disciplinas habemus; Nonne videmus quanta perturbatio rerum omnium consequatur, quanta confusio?
Quia dolori non voluptas contraria est, sed doloris privatio. At multis malis affectus. Nam illud vehementer repugnat, eundem beatum esse et multis malis oppressum. Facit enim ille duo seiuncta ultima bonorum, quae ut essent vera, coniungi debuerunt; Pugnant Stoici cum Peripateticis. Tum Lucius: Mihi vero ista valde probata sunt, quod item fratri puto. Idem fecisset Epicurus, si sententiam hanc, quae nunc Hieronymi est, coniunxisset cum Aristippi vetere sententia.
The Regret Minimisation Framework tends to take an emotive approach to decision making that might lead people to take riskier actions than are advisable. At worst, when not used with other decision making considerations, it might be used to justify hasty or even reckless behaviour. To that point, rather than an considered decision making tool, it might be argued that this framework is more about helping to gain the courage and fortitude to commit to something significant that you know you want but are scared of doing.
Bezos starting Amazon
Bezos described how he left his well paying job and to start Amazon.
“The framework I found, which made the decision incredibly easy, was what I called — which only a nerd would call — a “regret minimisation framework. So I wanted to project myself forward to age 80 and say, “Okay, now I’m looking back on my life. I want to have minimized the number of regrets I have.
“I knew that when I was 80 I was not going to regret having tried this. I was not going to regret trying to participate in this thing called the Internet that I thought was going to be a really big deal. I knew that if I failed I wouldn’t regret that, but I knew the one thing I might regret is not ever having tried."
The regret minimisation framework is a decision-making approach that would ideally be combined with other decision making process.
Use the following examples of connected and complementary models to weave regret minimisation framework into your broader latticework of mental models. Alternatively, discover your own connections by exploring the category list above.
Connected models:
- High velocity decisions: other decision making tools from Bezos.
- Opportunity cost: the regret minimisation framework effectively asks you to ‘live into’ the opportunity cost of inaction.
Complementary models:
- Golden circle: using the framework might help connect with ‘why’.
- Ikigai: again, the framework might help get in touch with a happier life.
- Risk matrix: consider risks likelihood and impact.
This is a similar concept to the more recent ‘YOLO’, or you only live once’ approach to seizing opportunities.
The Regret Minimisation Framework was coined by Jeff Bezos, and described in Brian Christian’s Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions.
View a short video of Bezos talking about this framework.
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