“The statement ‘Hitler loved dogs and little children’ is shocking no matter how many times you hear it, because an ... Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Parvi enim primo ortu sic iacent, tamquam omnino sine animo sint. Maximas vero virtutes iacere omnis necesse est voluptate dominante. Nemo igitur esse beatus potest. Si sapiens, ne tum quidem miser, cum ab Oroete, praetore Darei, in crucem actus est. Tamen aberramus a proposito, et, ne longius, prorsus, inquam, Piso, si ista mala sunt, placet. Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Re mihi non aeque satisfacit, et quidem locis pluribus. Quis suae urbis conservatorem Codrum, quis Erechthei filias non maxime laudat? Sed tu istuc dixti bene Latine, parum plane. Quis enim confidit semper sibi illud stabile et firmum permansurum, quod fragile et caducum sit? Quae cum dixisset, finem ille. Superiores tres erant, quae esse possent, quarum est una sola defensa, eaque vehementer. Nam prius a se poterit quisque discedere quam appetitum earum rerum, quae sibi conducant, amittere. Re mihi non aeque satisfacit, et quidem locis pluribus. Nam Pyrrho, Aristo, Erillus iam diu abiecti. Fortasse id optimum, sed ubi illud: Plus semper voluptatis? Quasi vero, inquit, perpetua oratio rhetorum solum, non etiam philosophorum sit. Sic enim censent, oportunitatis esse beate vivere. Non autem hoc: igitur ne illud quidem. An est aliquid per se ipsum flagitiosum, etiamsi nulla comitetur infamia? Iam id ipsum absurdum, maximum malum neglegi. Mihi vero, inquit, placet agi subtilius et, ut ipse dixisti, pressius.
Strive for a positive first impression.
Knowing the central r ...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. At iam decimum annum in spelunca iacet. Sin te auctoritas commovebat, nobisne omnibus et Platoni ipsi nescio quem illum anteponebas? Vitae autem degendae ratio maxime quidem illis placuit quieta. Duarum enim vitarum nobis erunt instituta capienda. Duo Reges: constructio interrete.
Ab his oratores, ab his imperatores ac rerum publicarum principes extiterunt. Qua igitur re ab deo vincitur, si aeternitate non vincitur? Quis suae urbis conservatorem Codrum, quis Erechthei filias non maxime laudat? A quibus propter discendi cupiditatem videmus ultimas terras esse peragratas. Quid censes in Latino fore?
Ut placet, inquit, etsi enim illud erat aptius, aequum cuique concedere. Collatio igitur ista te nihil iuvat. Idemque diviserunt naturam hominis in animum et corpus. Mihi enim satis est, ipsis non satis. Quamvis enim depravatae non sint, pravae tamen esse possunt. Quae similitudo in genere etiam humano apparet.
There has been considerable research and evidence of the Halo Effect in a range of domains, and it is a long-established cognitive bias. The only limitation that we can call out is that, while it might be at play in a given situation, it’s likely not the only bias or factor to consider.
Military judgment.
Edward Thorndike first coined the Halo Effect when studying how military officers judged their subordinates in a 1920 study. The officers would not talk to the men (yes, all men, it was 1920 after all), but consistently rated their intelligence and character based on physical strength and attributes.
Celebrity ambassadors.
The constant hiring of celebrities to represent companies is an example of those companies trying to benefit from the celebrities Halo Effect. It’s also why such celebrities are quickly dropped at the first sign of a scandal or negative consumer perception.
The Halo Effect was identified in broad terms as far back as 1907 by Fredrick Wells, a US-based psychologist. However, Edward Thorndike is credited with coining the effect in 1920 and essentially defining it as a cognitive bias.
Thorndike’s conclusions came from studies with the military where officers were asked to rate subordinates on a number of traits such as physique, character, leadership, and intelligence without having spoken to them. Thorndike noted that the officers’ judgment of a range of qualities was consistently driven by unrelated physical attributes. Basically, the servicemen who were taller and looked stronger were consistently rated as more intelligent etc.
There have been a number of studies supporting these findings in a range of domains. And, in 1964, Polish psychologist Solomon Asch found that first impressions were more important than subsequent impressions in establishing the Halo Effect.
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