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Anchoring Heuristic
Anchoring Heuristic
Anchoring Heuristic
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed tamen enitar et, si minus multa mihi occurrent, non fugiam ista popularia. Collige omnia, quae soletis: Praesidium amicorum. Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Quorum sine causa fieri nihil putandum est. Tu autem negas fortem esse quemquam posse, qui dolorem malum putet. Ergo id est convenienter naturae vivere, a natura discedere. Qualem igitur hominem natura inchoavit? Summum a vobis bonum voluptas dicitur. Sed venio ad inconstantiae crimen, ne saepius dicas me aberrare;

Indicant pueri, in quibus ut in speculis natura cernitur. Nihil acciderat ei, quod nollet, nisi quod anulum, quo delectabatur, in mari abiecerat. Odium autem et invidiam facile vitabis. Sed residamus, inquit, si placet. Quis animo aequo videt eum, quem inpure ac flagitiose putet vivere? Sextilio Rufo, cum is rem ad amicos ita deferret, se esse heredem Q. Callipho ad virtutem nihil adiunxit nisi voluptatem, Diodorus vacuitatem doloris.

Qui est in parvis malis. Illa tamen simplicia, vestra versuta. Ergo in gubernando nihil, in officio plurimum interest, quo in genere peccetur. At hoc in eo M. Terram, mihi crede, ea lanx et maria deprimet. Ergo ita: non posse honeste vivi, nisi honeste vivatur?

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Actionable Takeaways
  • Delay and set your own anchor to interrupt anchoring bias. 

Anchoring can function as a cognitive b ...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Saepe ab Aristotele, a Theophrasto mirabiliter est laudata per se ipsa rerum scientia; Illa argumenta propria videamus, cur omnia sint paria peccata. Virtutis, magnitudinis animi, patientiae, fortitudinis fomentis dolor mitigari solet. Verba tu fingas et ea dicas, quae non sentias? Et nunc quidem quod eam tuetur, ut de vite potissimum loquar, est id extrinsecus; Nam de isto magna dissensio est. Quid est, quod ab ea absolvi et perfici debeat?

Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Illud mihi a te nimium festinanter dictum videtur, sapientis omnis esse semper beatos; Frater et T. Aliena dixit in physicis nec ea ipsa, quae tibi probarentur; Hoc loco tenere se Triarius non potuit. Atque haec coniunctio confusioque virtutum tamen a philosophis ratione quadam distinguitur.

Verum tamen cum de rebus grandioribus dicas, ipsae res verba rapiunt; Nulla profecto est, quin suam vim retineat a primo ad extremum. Ex rebus enim timiditas, non ex vocabulis nascitur. Sed tempus est, si videtur, et recta quidem ad me.


The Anchoring Effect has been consistently replicated in a number of experiments and studies, with some variations. For example, there remains debate on the impacts of experience in a domain, and in the cognitive ability of participants — with studies in these areas returning mixed results. 

That said, it is a largely accepted phenomenon.

In Practice

Guess Gandhi's age. 

In a 1997 experiment by Strack and Mussweiler, the two groups of participants to guess the age of Mahatma Gandhi when he died. Before the groups answered, they were anchored by preceding questions. The questions and results were as follows: 

  1. Did Mahatma Gandhi die before or after the age of 9 years old? How old was he when he died? Average answer = 50 years. 
  2. Did Mahatma Gandhi die before or after the age of 140 years old? How old was he when he died? Average answer = 67 years. 

Anchoring in negotiations.

This excellent description by Harvard Law Professor Guhan Subramanian outlines his recommendations and experience in using and countering anchoring in negotiations. From defusing anchoring to justifying an offer that you want to become an anchor. 

Anchoring and the law. 

In one study, a prosecutor's extreme sentencing demand resulted in 27 to 60% longer prison sentences. Similarly, a journalist's question about sentencing resulted in 32% longer prison sentence. See this article for more examples in the legal context. 

Anchoring and the breadmaker. 

A company called Williams-Sonoma famously was struggling to sell there new bread maker which was priced at $279. Rather than change the product, or even lower the price, they did something surprising. They started selling a second breadmaker for $429. The result? Few people bought the expensive bread maker but the sales of the (now) cheaper one doubled. While it's hard to know the exact motivation here, it isn't a stretch to posit that the anchoring heuristic was at play — and the 'cheaper' bread maker suddenly seemed like a bargain. 

Build your latticework
This model will help you to:

The anchoring heuristic is a cognitive bias that has a range of implications. 

Use the following examples of connected and complementary models to weave the anchoring heuristic into your broader latticework of mental models. Alternatively, discover your own connections by exploring the category list above. 

Connected models: 

  • Fast and slow thinking: to understand broader cognitive biases. 
  • Availability heuristic: initial information tends to be part of the ‘most available’ information, though availability is broader. 

Complementary models: 

  • EAST framework: incorporate anchoring in nudging strategies. 
  • BATNA & ZOPA: incorporating anchoring into negotiations.  
  • RICE score: consider the impact of anchoring in estimates.
  • 4Ps of marketing: using anchoring in pricing strategy.

The anchoring heuristic is also known as anchoring bias, the anchoring effect and the anchoring and adjustment heuristic. 

Origins & Resources

The anchoring and adjustment heuristic was first identified by Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky in 1974. The ‘adjustment’ refers to the tendency for subsequent judgements to change based on the initial anchor. We have shortened this heuristics name to the more familiar ‘anchoring heuristic’. See their book Thinking, Fast and Slow for more. 

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