They lied, multitasking isn't a thing — instead, we switch between tasks and work inefficiently as a result. That's a problem, e ...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed venio ad inconstantiae crimen, ne saepius dicas me aberrare; Quod equidem non reprehendo; Idemque diviserunt naturam hominis in animum et corpus. Quid nunc honeste dicit?
Satisne ergo pudori consulat, si quis sine teste libidini pareat? Eaedem enim utilitates poterunt eas labefactare atque pervertere. Apud ceteros autem philosophos, qui quaesivit aliquid, tacet; Deinde disputat, quod cuiusque generis animantium statui deceat extremum.
Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Ab hoc autem quaedam non melius quam veteres, quaedam omnino relicta. Sit ista in Graecorum levitate perversitas, qui maledictis insectantur eos, a quibus de veritate dissentiunt. Memini vero, inquam; Tum ille timide vel potius verecunde: Facio, inquit. Sine ea igitur iucunde negat posse se vivere? Num igitur eum postea censes anxio animo aut sollicito fuisse? Dicet pro me ipsa virtus nec dubitabit isti vestro beato M.
- Use the canvas.
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The notion of unplugging and not responding to distractions of everyday life might be unrealistic for some people in challenging family or work situations. The reality of those working at home with children during the COVID period is a stark reminder of this. 37 Signals and the four day week. In 2007, 37 Signals, the company behind Basecamp, shifted to a four day work week. This is not unheard of, other companies have done likewise, providing options for 10 hour days to make up the hours. Only 37 signals did not expect people to make up the extra hours. Instead, they simply cut a day out and continued paying staff the same amount. In an op-ed for the New York Times, co-founder Jason Fried explained: “Better work gets done in four days than in five. When there’s less time to work, you waste less time. When you have a compressed workweek, you tend to focus on what’s important. Constraining time encourages quality time.” Deep work is a mental model associated with productivity but also creativity that arises from deep critical thinking. Use the following examples of connected and complementary models to weave deep work into your broader latticework of mental models. Alternatively, discover your own connections by exploring the category list above. Connected models: Complementary models: Visit Cal Newport’s site here, for a list of all his books including Deep Work. Oops, That’s Members’ Only! Fortunately, it only costs US$5/month to Join ModelThinkers and access everything so that you can rapidly discover, learn, and apply the world’s most powerful ideas. ModelThinkers membership at a glance:
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