How do you choose which products or features to ship and which should remain in your backlog? RICE Scores are one way of making a call.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed eum qui audiebant, quoad poterant, defendebant sententiam suam. Conferam tecum, quam cuique verso rem subicias; Heri, inquam, ludis commissis ex urbe profectus veni ad vesperum.Tum Quintus: Est plane, Piso, ut dicis, inquit. Qua igitur re ab deo vincitur, si aeternitate non vincitur? Materiam vero rerum et copiam apud hos exilem, apud illos uberrimam reperiemus. Legimus tamen Diogenem, Antipatrum, Mnesarchum, Panaetium, multos alios in primisque familiarem nostrum Posidonium. Qua tu etiam inprudens utebare non numquam. Sin eam, quam Hieronymus, ne fecisset idem, ut voluptatem illam Aristippi in prima commendatione poneret. Tu vero, inquam, ducas licet, si sequetur; Quaesita enim virtus est, non quae relinqueret naturam, sed quae tueretur. Sed quot homines, tot sententiae; Ut in geometria, prima si dederis, danda sunt omnia.
Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Omnes enim iucundum motum, quo sensus hilaretur. In eo enim positum est id, quod dicimus esse expetendum. Quae sequuntur igitur? Est enim effectrix multarum et magnarum voluptatum. Nec vero sum nescius esse utilitatem in historia, non modo voluptatem. Quamquam ab iis philosophiam et omnes ingenuas disciplinas habemus; Eam stabilem appellas. Alterum significari idem, ut si diceretur, officia media omnia aut pleraque servantem vivere.
- Identify the product or feature under consideration.
This might be part of a backlog or from a bra ...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed haec quidem liberius ab eo dicuntur et saepius. Quid enim est a Chrysippo praetermissum in Stoicis? Hoc loco tenere se Triarius non potuit. Fatebuntur Stoici haec omnia dicta esse praeclare, neque eam causam Zenoni desciscendi fuisse. Summus dolor plures dies manere non potest? Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Quid ergo aliud intellegetur nisi uti ne quae pars naturae neglegatur?
Tum ille timide vel potius verecunde: Facio, inquit. Hoc enim constituto in philosophia constituta sunt omnia. Cum ageremus, inquit, vitae beatum et eundem supremum diem, scribebamus haec. Is ita vivebat, ut nulla tam exquisita posset inveniri voluptas, qua non abundaret. Quae duo sunt, unum facit. Quid enim? Consequentia exquirere, quoad sit id, quod volumus, effectum.
Ita ne hoc quidem modo paria peccata sunt. Hoc loco discipulos quaerere videtur, ut, qui asoti esse velint, philosophi ante fiant. Beatus sibi videtur esse moriens. Hic Speusippus, hic Xenocrates, hic eius auditor Polemo, cuius illa ipsa sessio fuit, quam videmus. Ita relinquet duas, de quibus etiam atque etiam consideret. Habent enim et bene longam et satis litigiosam disputationem. Ut nemo dubitet, eorum omnia officia quo spectare, quid sequi, quid fugere debeant? Nemo nostrum istius generis asotos iucunde putat vivere. Itaque haec cum illis est dissensio, cum Peripateticis nulla sane.
The elements behind RICE are still subjective and potentially influenced by biases, though the ‘confidence’ factor is a positive inclusion in this respect.
The ‘effort’ factor does not consider different values of people hours so, for example, there is no distinction between 1 week of senior developer time which might cost twice as much as 1 week of a junior designer.
The RICE Score was first developed by Intercom as a way to develop product priorities and their original post included this link to a spreadsheet example to establish RICE scores.
RICE scores are typically used by product managers to help prioritise products and product features, similar to the impact effort matrix or kano.
Use the following examples of connected and complementary models to weave RICE score into your broader latticework of mental models. Alternatively, discover your own connections by exploring the category list above.
Connected models:
- Impact effort matrix and kano are alternative prioritisation methods.
- Pareto principle: in establishing the ‘20’ features to deliver the ‘80’ value.
Complementary models:
- Golden circle: to ensure that new products and features are aligned with a deeper direction.
- Lock-in effect: as a potential consideration in relation to impact.Agile methodology: an iterative approach that works well with this form of prioritisation.
- Personas: as a potential tool to explore and establish reach and impact.
- Zawinski’s law: a warning to prioritise and avoid product bloat.
- Agile methodology: an iterative approach typically requiring fast and ongoing prioritisation.
- Minimum viable product: as an approach to cut out unnecessary features in the first instance.
The RICE Scoring model was developed by Intercom and is outlined in some detail in their original post about it here.
1474 days ago Shai Desai , Co-founder of and Learning PlanI wasn’t familiar with this model but can immediately see its use in prioritising and making better decisions!
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