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Peltzman Effect
Peltzman Effect
Peltzman Effect
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This phenomenon can explain why football players wearing helmets can be more prone to neck injuries; why pedestrians are at greater risk when ...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut proverbia non nulla veriora sint quam vestra dogmata. Consequentia exquirere, quoad sit id, quod volumus, effectum. Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Parvi enim primo ortu sic iacent, tamquam omnino sine animo sint. Suam denique cuique naturam esse ad vivendum ducem. Cur igitur, inquam, res tam dissimiles eodem nomine appellas?

Haec non erant eius, qui innumerabilis mundos infinitasque regiones, quarum nulla esset ora, nulla extremitas, mente peragravisset. Tum, Quintus et Pomponius cum idem se velle dixissent, Piso exorsus est. Quare hoc videndum est, possitne nobis hoc ratio philosophorum dare. Reguli reiciendam; Et quidem, inquit, vehementer errat; Ad eas enim res ab Epicuro praecepta dantur. Quid enim tanto opus est instrumento in optimis artibus comparandis? Quamquam haec quidem praeposita recte et reiecta dicere licebit.

Eam si varietatem diceres, intellegerem, ut etiam non dicente te intellego; In qua quid est boni praeter summam voluptatem, et eam sempiternam? Si de re disceptari oportet, nulla mihi tecum, Cato, potest esse dissensio. Sin tantum modo ad indicia veteris memoriae cognoscenda, curiosorum. Res tota, Torquate, non doctorum hominum, velle post mortem epulis celebrari memoriam sui nominis. Sed virtutem ipsam inchoavit, nihil amplius. Et homini, qui ceteris animantibus plurimum praestat, praecipue a natura nihil datum esse dicemus? Illum mallem levares, quo optimum atque humanissimum virum, Cn. Facile est hoc cernere in primis puerorum aetatulis. Sin eam, quam Hieronymus, ne fecisset idem, ut voluptatem illam Aristippi in prima commendatione poneret.

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Actionable Takeaways
  • Expect less immediate positive impacts for new safety measures. 

Understanding ...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut enim consuetudo loquitur, id solum dicitur honestum, quod est populari fama gloriosum. Sed tamen est aliquid, quod nobis non liceat, liceat illis. Summae mihi videtur inscitiae. Nam memini etiam quae nolo, oblivisci non possum quae volo. At ille pellit, qui permulcet sensum voluptate. Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Quos quidem tibi studiose et diligenter tractandos magnopere censeo. Nec vero sum nescius esse utilitatem in historia, non modo voluptatem. Num igitur utiliorem tibi hunc Triarium putas esse posse, quam si tua sint Puteolis granaria? Ita similis erit ei finis boni, atque antea fuerat, neque idem tamen;

Quis enim est, qui non videat haec esse in natura rerum tria? Ita relinquet duas, de quibus etiam atque etiam consideret. Etenim semper illud extra est, quod arte comprehenditur. Aliena dixit in physicis nec ea ipsa, quae tibi probarentur; Atque hoc loco similitudines eas, quibus illi uti solent, dissimillimas proferebas. Quid ad utilitatem tantae pecuniae?

Iam quae corporis sunt, ea nec auctoritatem cum animi partibus, comparandam et cognitionem habent faciliorem. Nemo igitur esse beatus potest. Hoc loco tenere se Triarius non potuit. Consequatur summas voluptates non modo parvo, sed per me nihilo, si potest; Nosti, credo, illud: Nemo pius est, qui pietatem-; Itaque e contrario moderati aequabilesque habitus, affectiones ususque corporis apti esse ad naturam videntur.


Peltzman’s work was critiqued in a paper two years after its publication. Leon Robertson’s paper entitled A Critical Analysis of Peltzman’s ‘The Effects of Automobile Safety Regulation broke down a number of statistical problems with Peltzman’s work, explaining that: “The variables used in Peltzman's analysis were reviewed. It was concluded that some of them were arbitrarily chosen, that some were correlated, and that important factors were omitted. This may cause spurious and biased correlations. Peltzman's time series regression equations were reconstructed and found unstable, which makes them useless for predictions which are one basis for Peltzman's conclusions.” For those of you unfamiliar with academic discourse, them’s fighting words!

That said, the principle behind Peltzman’s work has persisted and evidence seems to demonstrate the effect does occur but generally does not negate all benefits of safety initiatives. A 2006 Dutch paper conducted an empirical study of motor vehicle safety and found that behaviour change related to the Peltzman Effect reduced less than 50% of the overall benefits. 

In Practice

Seat belts. 

This 1994 study of seat belt wearing explored behavioural adaptation by those starting to use seat belts and found that “beginning wearers (group iii) showed signs of continuing behavioral adaptation, in the form of increased speed and increased propensity for close following.”

Bike helmets. 

Cycling UK has argued against the compulsory use of helmets, explaining: “Cycle helmets have in any case not been shown to be an effective way to reduce cyclists’ injury risks. Indeed they might even be counter-productive, by encouraging drivers or cyclists to behave less cautiously, and/or by increasing the risks of neck and other injuries. By deterring people from cycling, they may also reduce the benefits that cyclists gain from ‘safety in numbers’.”

Booths Rule #2. 

Skydiving has become consistently safer over the last few decades thanks to a number of safety initiatives, some of them developed by skydiving enthusiast and inventor Bill Booth. However, Booth’s Rule #2 states, "the safer skydiving gear becomes, the more chances skydivers will take, in order to keep the fatality rate constant." Indeed, without the popularity of complex low to ground maneuvers and high speed canopies that allow for faster speeds, some claim that fatalities would be a fraction of what they were a few decades ago.

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Origins & Resources

Sam Peltzman, an economist at the University of Chicago, first described this effect in 1975 in relation to the car safety entitled The Effects of Automobile Safety Regulation. In the study, he argued that the increase of safety regulations was offset by people’s behaviour creating no change in highway deaths. The results of his report have been criticised (see Limitations above), though the effect named after the work persists. 

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